Translation subject areas covered by C Bavington Ltd
The following list shows the subject areas and typical documents and content which I am most comfortable handling myself, from French into English.
For other subject areas and/or other languages, I avail myself of the services of experienced and trusted colleagues working in those areas and/or languages:
Information Technology
With over 10 years of experience in the computing industry both using and writing I.T. documentation of all kinds, I understand both sides of the IT documentation picture, offering clients genuine and practical added-value.
The following is a list of some of the categories of IT documentation translated in the last few years.
Cybersecurity, IT security more generally, computer usage policies
GDPR compliance
Service provision contracts, software licensing agreements, service level agreements, maintenance procedures
Business continuity/recovery plans
Project management
User guides, help screens, training sheets, etc.
Press releases (e.g. new software products), customer testimonials
Complete I.T. project lifecycle documentation:
- Feasibility study
- System design and architecture
- Invitations to tender
- Software selection documentation
- Business requirements specifications, system specifications, program specifications, test scenarios
- Technical guides e.g. common modules, technical procedures (file transfer, etc.)
Credit insurance policies
Surety contracts, bonds and guarantees
Company health insurance and incapacity benefits
Property insurance policies
Policies and schedules of conditions
Loss-adjuster reports
I have successfully combined a background in credit insurance with legal study modules and an interest in the law generally to provide translations of commercial contracts in general.
Contracts for sale of goods/services
Confidentiality agreements
Employment contracts
Schedules of conditions (e.g. for tenders)
Leases for buildings and equipment
General commercial/corporate
My general business background stretches as far back as my degree in Business Administration, which covered a wide range of corporate management fields.
While working in computing, the applications on which I worked were often closely related to business management in the wide sense - accounting & finance, HR, production workflows and so on -
so much of this foundation has never been lost, and indeed has been built on.
Hence C Bavington Ltd is happy to handle translations on (for example):
Financial documents (annual reports, financial analysis), competition reports
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) (including codes of conduct and similar)
Property management (valuations, certification, promotional materials)
Guides and procedures
Human resources (e.g. recruitment, contracts), works' councils, in-house newsletters and policies (e.g. on packaging)
Outside the world of commerce, C Bavington Ltd can also offer you translation services connected to my own areas of interest, including:
Sport (particularly football)
Music (particularly rock and metal)
History (particularly medieval)
Philately and postal history (particularly the postage stamps of France)
Please do not hesitate to contact me to discuss
your particular needs.