Charlie Bavington

Professional French to English Translator - Business and I.T.

Bringing a pragmatic eye to meeting your needs

Archive for the ‘agencies’ Category

So, what about the legal/contractual side of this alleged trend in the industry to pay nothing whatsoever for 100% matches? (See original post here.) Not all jurisdictions are the same, of course, but this delightful crew are, happily, based in England so I can indulge in some bar-room level speculation. If you’re not getting paid […]

Sunday, April 3rd, 2011 at 11:26 | 6 comments
Categories: agencies, business

Another LSP is causing a minor stir with a unilateral change to its T&C, or so it would appear (I don’t work for them). Applied Language Solutions (ALS), who claim to “Respect everyone like a friend”, which seems a clumsy turn of phrase as well as an odd thing to say, have emailed the world […]

Friday, April 1st, 2011 at 16:45 | Comments Off on No money for old rope
Categories: agencies, business

I think this article fits in quite neatly with the Lionbridge hoo-hah, in terms of why there are a number of agencies in general who feel quite at ease with being the party that determines prices, unilaterally, on a take-it-or-leave-it basis. I wrote the original version almost 2 years ago (Dec 2008) although it has […]

Wednesday, November 10th, 2010 at 01:48 | 4 comments

(I surely have to include the occasional Wodehouse reference in here, too…?) Another great post in Miguel Llorens’s blog. My jaw did indeed slow hang lower and lower as I read first that they thought they deserved some credit because they pay people, and second that the 5% cut is somehow justified by the allegedly […]

Monday, November 8th, 2010 at 17:44 | Comments Off on Liox and the feudal spirit
Categories: agencies, business

(Posted on Sunday 7 Mov 2010, written on Friday 5 Nov 2010) The saga rumbles on, as Quarter 3 results came out on Nov 4, and it does not make for joyful reading if you are with Lionbridge, looking at the news from Yahoo! and their own announcement. They mention currency losses, to be fair. […]

Sunday, November 7th, 2010 at 19:57 | Comments Off on Liox :thumbsdown:
Categories: agencies, business

Email sent by Lionbridge towards end of Oct (29th? 30th?) 2010. Not to me, I don’t work for them, but it caused some hoo-hah. The global economic downturn of 2008 and 2009 affected all of us. Together, as translation partners, we weathered this challenging and uncertain economic environment and demonstrated our value to clients worldwide. […]

Sunday, November 7th, 2010 at 19:31 | Comments Off on Naughty, naughty Lionbridge
Categories: agencies, business