Archive for the ‘translation issues’ Category
I have long thought that the idea of MT isn’t all that terrible, but it is a shame it’s a) largely promoted and sold by people I wouldn’t trust to honestly tell me the day of the week, and b) translations and data are always stored other than locally, which leads to potential confidentiality issues, […]
This year thus far appears to be the year, in some quarters, of getting mighty indignant about the evils of post-editing machine translation (PEMT). Might as well stick my oar in. It’s been a while. There seem to be two basic angles of attack employed by those getting their knickers in a twist about PEMT. […]
I am not sure I have ever been more irritated by an article in The Linguist. I speak of the Oct-Nov 2013 edition of the said organ, entitled “Power of the crowd”, subtitled “Community translation: friend, foe or no big deal”. Aha, you might think, a balanced article discussing the pros and cons. I shall […]
IAPTI Conference 5 October 2013 And so it was that I was out of the house before I am usually even awake on a Saturday to hit the Hilton hotel for IAPTI’s first conference. Given the calibre of those involved, it will be no surprise to hear the whole thing was impressively well organised with […]
On Friday 18th Jan, I attended a most informative talk at Europe House, Smith Square, Olde London Towne on the subject of terminology and IATE, given by the knowledgeable and engaging Timothy Cooper, a senior terminologist at the EU. The theory He kicked off with an overview of the message he attempts to drum into […]
Now, I know everyone is entitled to decide what they will and won’t do, professionally as elsewhere, but I was, I admit, somewhat taken aback by some of the comments on a recent poll on a well-known website on the subject of converting currency amounts. Yep, never let it be said I don’t fearlessly tackle […]
I’m a bit concerned that too many of these posts seem to be having a pop at something, so time to post something a bit more positive, since I’m not actually a full-time misanthropic curmudgeon. What follows is not exactly the most original of issues, but one that crops up regularly enough. It can hardly […]